Our Party.

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Our History.
Local History
The Democratic Party of Marathon County was established by incorporation of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin in 1932. Since that time, the local party has promoted progressive ideals by helping to elect great representatives including Congressman Dave Obey, State Representative Donna Seidel and Governor Tony Evers. We have rich local history of activism and leadership in our community. Please join our local party to be a part of our story.
State History
Everyone knows that Wisconsin is the birthplace of the Republican Party and Fighting Bob La Follette’s Progressive Party. While the Democratic Party of Wisconsin has existed in the state long before those movements, our party was reinvigorated by the election of great progressives like Gaylord Nelson and Vel Phillips. Senator Nelson created Earth Day. Secretary of State Vel Phillips was the first black constitutional officer to be elected to statewide office. Both represent the embodiment of our modern party.
National History
The United States Democratic Party can trace its roots to the ideals of the founding fathers. From the New Deal to the Great Society and all the way through the Affordable Care Act, Democrats have stood up for the people of the United States. We are the party that lead our nation out of the Great Depression, passed the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 and fought for equal rights under the law. We will continue to stand on the right side of history.
Our Values.
Provide affordable and quality healthcare that covers all, including those with pre-existing conditions.
Increase wages and benefits so we can utilize our talented workforce to reinvigorate our economy.
Protect our rights to clean water and fresh air, ensuring these resources are available for future generations of Wisconsinites to enjoy.
Ensuring women the right to make their own healthcare decisions and enacting policies of equality for women, racial minorities and LGBTQ+.
Fully fund our public school system to ensure that there are more opportunities for our kids to be successful.
Invest in our towns and villages to expand broadband, advance small business and create jobs.
Preserve our seniors earned benefits and healthcare to ensure that they live happy and healthy lives during retirement.
Gun Safety
Keep guns out of the hands of criminals and unstable individuals by passing red flag laws and enacting universal background checks.